Restrict Registration Edit Months Registry entry
Specifies the period of time that registrations staff are able to edit registrations after they have been inserted.
Note: Only for use by the Vital Statistics Agency, Manitoba.

All Vital Records Offices have a fine line between defining what can be corrected on a record after it has been registered by an edit and what must be run through the maintenance process. This entry defines how long staff are able to edit a record after it has been inserted before it becomes read only to them and must be processed as a maintenance.
This Registry entry can be assigned to users and groups:
Key | User | Group |
Key 1 | User | Group |
Key 2 | user | group |
Key 3 | Table | Table |
Key 4 | table | table |
Key 5 | Restrict Registration Edit Months | |
Value | value |

User | user | Table | table | Restrict Registration Edit Months | value |
Group | group | Table | table | Restrict Registration Edit Months | value |
value | is the number of months. The time period may be specified as less than a number of months (e.g. There is a special value, zero (0), which means that all records may be edited. |
This entry specifies that the group Registrations may always edit records:
Key | Setting |
Key 1 | Group |
Key 2 | Registrations |
Key 3 | Table |
Key 4 | ebirths |
Key 5 | Restrict Registration Edit Months |
Value | 0 |